Preserved lemons

this week, I got a bunch of fresh lemons from the south san Francisco city manager mike futell and wife susan freeman. so I made 2 lemon recipes. I made one with preserved lemons, you have to wait 6 weeks in the fridge for it to be the best preserved lemons. will post a pic of what it will look like on my facebook page In 6 weeks at in end of august. it's great on chicken tagine and will show you another way in 6 weeks I know it may be long but its totally worth it. fermenting is the best ways of bacteria and its good bacteria . so here's the recipe. im going to meet a cookbook author named Emma Christainsein of True brews got her copy for her to sign and brew better beers, as a thank you gift she'll walk out with my preserved lemons so enjoy this recipe.

preserved lemons

4 lemons (got mine from a neighbor's tree)
1 cup of fine sea salt
6 black peppercorns
1 canela (Mexican cinnamon stick)
1 bay leaf

use a 8 oz canning jar- wash jars super well with hot water with lids.
scrub and wash lemons thoroughly. cut the tops and bottoms off each lemon. slice off the lemon peels leaving the lemon flesh behind. cut the flesh in half. coat each piece of lemon peel in sea salt (or kosher salt) must be finely ground pack the jar with the salted lemon peels. peppercorns  (canela) cinnamon stick and bay leaf.
iuice the lemons and pour into the jar to cover the peels. seal  the jar tightly and keep in the fridge for 4-6 weeks or the lemon peels become transculencent the older they get the softer they are.
great with morrocan chicken tagine
