chili cook off (first time not competing)

Hi fans yesterday i went to my local chili cook off for ssf park and rec  i didnt have a brand new chili recipe so i went as a undercover judge all the chili tasted delicious i cannot wait to compete next year might have west Winston manor community association to be a chili team me and Gary rubino who's on the board will hopefully lead well still compete against elks lodge, trader Joe's and city officials but we want to compete against grocery outlet staff too. So here are the winners they decided not to let their chili go out to the public so here are the top 4 they are south city foodies like me.

drum roll....... the winnners are......
the men of the ssf elks lodge of south san Francisco, these guys are tough competion the last 2 I competed I love those guys. they are nice experience cooks. you gotta learn from the best somewhere.
 2nd place, I actually counted them for people's choice as a undercover judge just so they don't feel bad. they also are Burlingame chili competiors fireball. I love the wife and husband and they cooked killer chili
 3rd place went to this is not the skinny Govenor of jersey Chris Christie or the  bald Jeb bush okay,  its mike futell he is a city manager of my town and he works well with 5 wonderful mayors 2 happen to be female. liza nornandy and karyl matusmoto. he has a passion for cooking like myself. but hes mainly in the policial world, so hes a hard working man! trust me. don't be fooled by this guy ok.
the people's choice went to the Brisbane mayor cliff, he and a lady were so nice, before the cook-off he came to my door and did a little campaign and loves my queensland pup Bellatrix. even know she was barking was very polite I wanted fireball to win because their chili was the bomb but they were nice too.

so we wanted to thank all the other players I could have competed but next year will have a new recipe it takes perfection to test a chili recipe before September I take time with my recipes with flavor bombs and adjustments. it is what it is. so I wanted to give my friends of parks and recreation a shotout, photo below, Sharon ranals, she is the best when letting Lindsay and erin to succeed Elaine porter of supervisor and co-supervisor and we thank them and susan our lovely office lady for helping south city sign up for a wide variety of classes, so we love you guys
