honey Sriracha lime grilled chicken thighs

Hi there it's chef ava marie here I just submitted my chicken recipe for the best darn backyard grill off contest it's due in a few days so submit your recipe asap ok good luck ok


honey Sriracha lime chicken 
1 lb boneless skinless chicken thighs washed and patted dry 
1/4 cup lime juice 
1/4 cup honey 
2 tsp Sriracha chili sauce 
Salt and pepper 
for serving bush's limited edition Sriracha baked beans or bourbon and brown sugar grillin beans 
Preheat grill pan to medium high heat. S
spray with non stick cooking spray.
in a medium bowl mix honey lime juice and Sriracha set aside
season one side of thighs with salt and pepper place chicken season side down and cook 5 minutes per side until cooked through be sure to baste honey lime Sriracha glaze throughout the cooking process. Transfer to a platter. Heat up beans in a saucepan until hot and you are ready to eat enjoy 
