Cherries with Moscato Sabayon

hi fans, yesterday it was a heatwave in the bay area. so I found a easy dessert that doesn't need a oven at all for baking. its a no bake treat and its cool and refreshing. so this came from Michael symon's 5 in 5 for every season really awesome book. so I hope you get cooking soon. savor your cherries until the end of the month so please it will be gone!

cherries with moscato sabayon
in a bowl combine 1 1/2 cups halved and pited cherries the grated zest and juice of 1/2 lemon and 2 tablespoon sugar.
in a double boiler (I use a small saucepot filled with water and stainless steel bowl works) whisk together 2 egg yolks, 1/4 cup mosacato and 3 tablespoon sugar. set the stainless steel bowl on top of saucepot filled with 2 inches of water and whisk the egg mixture vigorously for 5 minuites or until sabayon is silky and thickened. you can leave it alone or add 1/2 tsp vanilla extract scoop cherries into bowls along with their juices and natural sugars. top with a spoon fuls of sabayon. serves 3-4
